K-Hitz Radio is a well-known authenticated online radio station that aims to broadcast uniquely Global content, culture, commerce and music. That being said, K-Hitz Radio is a flexible online radio with an African favoritism at largest. We agree with Dr. Nkrumah’s assertion that independence was meaningless without the total liberation of Africa. www.khitzradio.com will also be an outlet for all-race issues, ideas and identity promotion.This online portal seeks to become a primary conduit of entertainment, education and information about Africa to the rest of the world. I intend to be fair to all and clear in analysis. My aim is to become the face of the 21st century African individual online: proud of whom I am, poised to deliver excellence and pressing on to higher grounds. K-Hitz Radio thrives on meaningful content and mesmerizing delivery.The importance of originality is evident in the kind of programs and personalities I seek to align this online media with.I am soliciting the assistance in these following areas: recruiting of fresh talent, news and views on the socio-economic landscape, ideas for panel programs and talk shows and cultivation of sponsorship for individual programs.